Community Forum Recommended Actions

At the Community Forum / Healing Circle meeting held in June 2021, attendees made over 100 recommendations to improve accountability, transparency, and ongoing program and participant safety. A working group composed of Youth Development Leaders, Youth Ministries Staff, Healing Committee participant, licensed psychotherapist, and Executive Director prioritized these ideas into an Action Plan.

  1. Given Cameron House’s longstanding history with issues surrounding exploitation and inappropriate behaviors perpetrated by those in power, we ask board members to hire an outside contractor to train leadership and all those holding management roles on these issues including but not limited to definitions of harassment, ways to foster a culture where it is prevented and not tolerated, the legal and ethical expectations in reporting misconduct.
  2. Sexual harassment trainings should be provided annually, on an ongoing basis, to all those employed at Cameron House, paid and unpaid (youth leaders, YDLs, etc.).
  3. Create and implement clear protocols related to reporting, investigation, and resolution.
  4. Have an active HR department to field complaints and concerns, follow-up on claims, discipline, and move towards resolution.
  5. Provide multiple avenues to close the feedback loop and to ensure individuals have safe ways to report concerns to Board members and HR. Invite a youth leader or YDL Representative to sit in Board Meetings. Reverse mentorship.
  6. We ask the Board to provide a public statement. The lack of clear communication is perceived as protection of the perpetrator and the continued centering of the needs of the perpetrator, which unintentionally perpetuates harm on the victims. Concerns were expressed that the named perpetrator may have opportunities to work in settings and given professional roles (have positional power) that would allow him to continue to victimize others.
  7. Immediately offer therapy and other supportive services (legal support so that appropriate legal steps can be taken to protect the victim and hold the perpetrator accountable, etc.) for anyone who reports sexual harassment/assault.
  8. Effects of Dick Wichman’s actions still stick with us. There is a need to address this history. Noticing that people have learned from their experiences as children and carry this forward. History tends to repeat itself if things aren’t healed.
  9. Need to ask: “What are the structural reasons why his actions were allowed to be perpetuated?” “What allows potential abusers to cause harm?” “How does the structure affect the safety of the kids?”
  10. The present structure was created by Dick Wichman and people can use what he created to continue to abuse children.
  11. Safety is lacking. There needs to be a re-evaluation of the culture as a community of trust, because some people may not be trustworthy.
  12. If you have been part of CH you are automatically trusted. New people are not welcomed in. There is an investment in perpetuating the “Cameron House way” and therefore Cameron House remains ignorant to a lot of new possibilities.
  13. The work that is required of young people at CH is a lot to watch over kids and staff are given a lot of responsibility and this needs to be re-worked, particularly the structure of child care and the summer programs.
  14. There needs to be age-appropriate responsibilities for volunteers
  15. Club leaders also have a lot of access to young people. Club leaders are expected to interact with youth outside of the program, which introduces the potential for harm.
  16. How could we monitor leaders and not just assume they will not hurt the young kids? (Friday night club)
  17. People saying there needs to be more training is inexcusable. These training are accessible and could be provided easily.
  18. Would like to see training and using the resources that are available in the Bay area to fill in the gaps of what has been missing.
  19. Board members need to be qualified and given the tools to be able to evaluate the programs.
  20. CH rewards loyalty/seniority over qualifications for the jobs/Board positions and this needs to change.
  21. There are currently people on staff who were a part of burying this. They still hold positions of power and they aren’t being held accountable. We cannot justify keeping people on staff who have hired people after they have been found to have been perpetrators of sexual violence.
  22. New information is rejected. People who have developed protocols and policies get a lot of backlash from the community because that’s not how “things have been done”
  23. There needs to be community involvement in determining leadership.
  24. Youth are disconnected from the Board. Would like to see more community engagement between the Board and the rest of the community, especially the youth. This would be helpful in bridging the decision making process. Something like a youth advisory board who hold a public position of power within the organization.
  25. Would like to see a youth-led group that could collectively go to the staff/Board to communicate and raise concerns because the Staff can’t always express concerns to the Board because of job security.
  26. There needs to be a desire for change. There needs to be an accountability structure for when the Staff don’t want to change. They can hear, but still no action is being taken and this is very serious which feels like willful neglect. The severity relates to concerns that there will be kids who could be harmed for life.
  27. Cameron House needs to create safety measures or protocols that support staff who are calling out harmful behaviour and protect them from retaliation.
  28. There needs to be an HR person that you can bring concerns to. Staff need direct access to a trained Human resources person to talk to about concerns.
  29. Board by-laws perpetuate insular nature of the Board where only CH people PCC members (⅓) members (⅓) to be alumni of CH. Only these people can be part of leadership. Only 2 positions can be from the community and therefore don’t have a very strong voice. Cameron House needs to encourage additional skills, talents, and perspectives.
  30. There needs to be accountability from an outside agency/party on a legal level.
  31. Cameron House needs to re-evaluate policies around having club leaders invite unqualified alumni to lead conversation with youth about sexuality and other topics which are inappropriate.
  32. Need a protocol for Director of Youth Ministry to start a process of handling harassment and sexual abuse.
  33. Who would be the next level between the ED and the Director of Youth Ministry…there is no HR person.
  34. Need impartial person who can advocate for the victim, help them in their healing process.  Reach out to victims to support them, from the CH organization.
  35. Need a neutral party who can investigate, not someone who is necessarily looking out primarily for the organization.  This third party might be some part of HR?
  36. Need a neutral reporting system.
  37. To respond to a toxic culture of masculinity, we need to create a safe environment.  We need curriculum / programs to guide the staff.  This needs to be maintained as staff changes.  Bring in an outsider to prevent sexual assault.
  38. Craft a code of conduct.
  39. Have a once a year training – only done by a professional.  Make a specific process for orienting new staff coming on board mid-year.
  40. Need a written procedure – what to do when sexual harassment happens.
  41. Have the youth staff watch the video to connect to the past culture.
  42. CH needs to make a statement that we are not going to tolerate this behavior.
  43. Mandated reporting
  44. Male CH youth program alumni tend to move on to becoming YDLs and pass on the past toxic culture.  Can we create other avenues for them to give back to the community besides just becoming YDLs?
  45. Board must acknowledge a disconnect; need to become more familiar with definitions of sexual abuse.  There are missing board members. Need all involved. Need a Statement from Cameron House.
  46. Anyone can walk into CH volunteers—need a better screening. Life Scanning is not enough.
  47. Need better training, better onboarding process in general. Told only “Don’t be alone with minors. Be at least in groups of 3.” Need training and ongoing discussion on sexual harassment and gender awareness.
  48. C.H.’s family culture takes a lot for granted so has less protocols and oversight.  We need to move to a professional stance. Accountability needed.
  49. Understaffing with long periods of vacancy needs to be address. Limited staff unable to do what’s needed to train and supervise.
  50. Examine the combined HR and operation position— does this arrangement cause conflicting goals. There is no clear pipeline for complaints.
  51. Need to consider an Ombusperson. Neutral  person for complaints.
  52. Need a culture of transparency with clear protocols and support.
  53. Need to address the hurt that has been done to other community members present and past.
  54. How can the other arm of CH resources i.e. social work, therapy, etc. be used to help change the culture and address the pain.
  55. Structure of board needs to be trimmed.
  56. Review of Board’s role, make sure they are informed. Maybe add younger people on the Board. Youth advisory council.
  57. May need to continue Affinity groups. They were good first step.
  58. Addressing sexism, toxic masculinity
  59. Naming what it looks like among the young men at CH
  60. How do we lift the whole child/teen/adult? What are the values that are important to Cameron House?
  61. How to protect/prevent future victims (in this community or across state lines) when there are no charges?
  62. Training is really important
  63. Bring outside people/orgs
  64. Training at ALL levels
  65. Ongoing trainings
  66. Training topics
  67. What is sexual abuse? How to identify it?
  68. How to identify if you are being sexually harassed/abused
  69. Bystander Intervention- (free bystander intervention trainings)
  70. Healthy relationships that are culturally relevant/inclusive to Cameron House participants and families (e.g. how to interrupt some family practices that can set up individuals to be in unhealthy/abusive relationships later)
  71. Healthy boundaries
  72. Learn new language/vocabulary to identify/discuss sexual abuse and prevention
  73. Kibbie Ruth ( – resource to provide trainings at nonprofits/churches
  74. Professional development addressing sexual harassment/abuse
  75. Creates culture shift so that entire organization is invested in creating a safer culture/space
  76. Create Affinity Group/Healing Circle for young adults who interacted with or were harmed by the perpetrator
  77. Create more transparent spaces (e.g. install windows in offices)
  78. Hire a staff person/team to hold staff, volunteers, and board accountable to mission statement, culture shift, professional development, protocols, etc.
  79. Identify a third-party impartial non-Cameron House person to receive reports of misconduct
  80. Create a mission statement to acknowledge past harm and take a stand against this sort of abuse. Outline what this looks like at Cameron House. Statement should be visible/easily accessible
  81. Use past experience and healing journey to show strength in prevention
  82. At the forefront of Cameron House
  83. Establish protocols of reporting abuse: Who reports? Reported to? When do you report? Where (in what situations) do you report?
  84. Agree to become a culture that encourages looking out for each other, especially when working with vulnerable populations
  85. Background checks and fingerprinting for candidates, especially in leadership positions
  86. Establish policy prohibiting dating/sexual relationships between individuals who are at different power levels in the structure, e.g., YDLs and youth, club leaders and staff; consequences are dismissal.
  87. Explicit child protection policies of the SF Presbytery may be considered, including criminal background check.
  88. Include child protection and adherence to policy in performance planning and appraisals.
  89. Policies cover staff, volunteers, youth regarding appropriate/inappropriate behaviors and consequences.
  90. Rules within the church re sexual relationships between staff and parishioners will result in defrocking.
  91. Training: appropriate and timely; sexual harassment, abuse, what to do; comprehensive, age and group appropriate (staff, volunteers, YDLs, youth who use CH); learn more about concepts like toxic masculinity and what exactly it looks like, what are the behaviors; what are the experiences. How to report and to whom one can safely and confidentially report; how to respond to a report  of abuse or harassment  (peers and staff)
  92. Training for volunteers, senior youth, social service staff, ED, board… appropriate for role, e.g., staff might need more details about immediate responses, what to do, volunteers may need less training.
  93. Youth Development Leaders… need training, accountability.
  94. Educate the kids about what’s okay and what’s not…  should come from multiple sources;  address the kids when they’re young and get the most complete message; they need to get the message re boundaries, appropriate behaviors; talk to the kids while they’re kids and before something happens; Include these topics in assemblies for camp or Friday Night Clubs, make this education part of the program.
  95. Board needs to take more definitive steps
  96. Board now in the strategic planning process and need to work this into the process
  97. Add youth voice to the Board, direct engagement
  98. Hold ED accountable, know that staff should come to him first and he should take action:
  99. Establish a board committee for this with periodic reviews, establish standards, reporting requirements, review from time to time; maybe an external audit.
  100. Continue doing some of the things we’re doing now: discussions, planning, prevention/protection activities.
  101. Much more accountability of ED, senior staff, youth staff, social services; build into performance standards and appraisal.
  102. Make a public statement regarding the history of sexual misconduct starting with Dick Wichman that has continued to the present day. Secrecy was a part of the culture of CH that contributed to the current problems.
  103. The Board is committed to change the culture of CH with resources and training.
  104. Board will institute policies that endure despite changes to the Board or Executive Directors.
  105. Board will implement Safety and Risk Management policies with monthly meetings to assess concerns in a timely manner.
  106. Board will examine what CH mission is, why we do it, and how we do it.  All new Board members and staff will have orientation about these.
  107. A Code of Conduct document exists but needs to be posted with regular training to implement it. This is part of risk management.
  108. Hotline for the reporting of sexual harassment or other unsafe behaviors. A person who is trusted by the staff to report to.
  109. We may need a dedicated person who is in charge of training and implementing Safety, Code of Conduct, and Risk Management policies. This person may be in-house or an outside consultant.
  110. Volunteer manual, training, and evaluation is needed because volunteers often assume roles and responsibilities they are not trained for.
  111. As youth grow up within CH, they can be trained to take on leadership roles in a systematic way that incorporates both hands-on experience as well as structured training in conduct and safety.
  112. Hold YDL staff meetings before and after all events (e.g., FNC) to discuss any concerns about the event as part of leadership training.
  113. The testimony of victims, possibly without naming the perpetrator, is a powerful catalyst for change. Listening to possible victims is a part of their healing and will change the culture of CH.
  114. Must address the issues of privacy vs. transparency.