The action plan below is based on recommendations made by the Community Forum working group to improve accountability, transparency, and ongoing program and participant safety.
In Progress & upcoming actions
- Friday Night Club will operate for 12th graders virtually and in person. Two Youth Development Leader volunteers will facilitate.
- Youth Program purpose, outcomes, curriculum/framework, goals/objectives, curriculum; program and staffing structure/model, market interest, participant safety, program evaluation, and required resources – will be developed in the context of strategic priority: family-centered approach.
- Address the questions: Should Youth Development Leaders remain in a volunteer role? When will the Friday Night Club program return?
- Address staff/volunteer job descriptions and qualifications, competencies/experience, hiring/recruitment, orientation/onboarding and training, monitoring/evaluation, terms of service.
- Orchestrate periodic/annual educational workshops with programmatic partners to educate youth about appropriate and inappropriate sexual communication and behaviors, define terms, explore relevant topics, hypersexualized culture.
- Establish an agency-wide volunteer management policy with outcomes, structure, recruiting, onboarding/training, and evaluation standards.
- Author volunteer manual – standards/protocols for recruiting, training and evaluation.
- Develop and post resource list for anti-bullying, gender-based violence and identity issues, sexual harassment, and anti-Asian hate resources. Include catalog of standard training for staff and volunteers. EXPECTED May 30, 2023 with updated employee manual.
- Establish oversight of safety/risk management to a standing board committee
- Develop a feedback tool and protocol to monitor safety, to be reviewed and reported to the Board, quarterly
- Create organization policy on dating
- Establish a Volunteer Management Policy
Completed as of March 2023
- Issue a formal apology to survivors with an offer of independent or group therapy.
- Share the report from independent psychologist Dr. Carolee Tran, PhD which includes quotes of some survivor experiences and many recommendations with the Cameron House community.
- Share the report from independent investigator Keith Black assessing how the senior management team handled sexual misconduct allegations in 2017 with the Cameron House community.
Completed as of September 2022
- Hire a third party provider to develop a scope and resource requirements for survivor support, present to Board of Directors.
- Hire an external third party to conduct an independent review of the 2017 internal investigation to ensure a professional and objective assessment of Cameron House’s internal and external processes.
- Designate managerial role to ensure all staff and volunteers have completed training.
- Review nomination/election/evaluation process for Board of Directors, to reflect diversity in areas of expertise, engagement of youth/participants, and societal perspectives.
Completed as of March 2022
- Update organizational Code of Conduct that applies to participants, staff, volunteers, and board.
- Address consequences, process, and boundaries – physical, programmatic, electronic, role.
- Translate Code of Conduct to Chinese; post prominently in key visible areas in Chinese and English, including in registration/intake for clients/participants; hiring/onboarding/orientation of volunteers, staff, and board; and website.
- Require board participation in annual Sexual Harassment Prevention Training and annual signature on Code of Conduct.
- Review and update training requirements and protocols for Board of Directors, staff/management and volunteers including hostile work environment and sexual harassment prevention, mandated reporter, reporting and investigating incidents.
- Sexual harassment prevention training standards already in place for employees/supervisors and monitored by Director of Finance and Operations.
- Complete sexual harassment prevention training standard by Board of Directors
- Complete mandated reporter training by all employees
Completed as of December 2021
- Establish an Ad Hoc Oversight Committee of the Board to oversee and ensure organizational accountability and transparency with respect to maintaining a safe and respectful participatory environment.
- Engage Friday Night Club youth and Youth Leadership Development regarding safety and agency transparency
- Develop and post board-approved Official Statement and Action Plan on the Cameron House website.
- Communicate progress with the participants of the Community Forum.