

Professional counseling and psychotherapy services are available at Cameron House for free or at low cost to low- and moderate-income families and individuals. We help address spousal, familial, and other relationship problems, the impact of domestic violence, emotional and mental health issues, and acculturation challenges, as well as difficulties adjusting to various life changes and stressors. Individual, couples, and family counseling services are offered in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin. Clients of all ages from all ethnic and religious backgrounds are welcome.

If you are interested in receiving counseling services at Cameron House, please call (415) 781-0401 and ask to speak with the intake counselor or dial extension 212.
如果您需要輔導服務,請電 (415) 781-0401 內線 212。


Mental Wellness At A Glance |「心理健康多面睇」講座

逢每個月第三個星期一播出 | Posted on the 3rd Monday of each month at 9 AM PST

金美倫堂「心理健康多面睇」講座第十五集的話題是“繼續與您同行。” 需然第十五集是我們「心理健康多面睇」講座的最後一集,我們會繼續與您同行。金美倫堂是一間服務華人移民家庭的三藩市社區非牟利機構。我們有青年服務和社會服務,您可以上我們的網頁www.cameronhouse.org去了解我們的服務。如果您是第一次認識我們的講座,您可以去金美倫堂的網頁(輔導服務)或YouTube重溫以前的講座。美國華人社區很少談論心理健康。在居家抗疫期間 2020 至 2021年, 金美倫堂播出一連串的「心理健康多面睇」網上粵語講座, 希望帶給大家一些正能量和技巧去面對疫情, 並建立一個健康心態和生活。

The topic for Episode 15 is “Continue to Journey with You.” Although Episode 15 is our last episode of our “Mental Wellness at a Glance” Cantonese webinar series during the pandemic, we will continue to journey with you. Cameron House is a non-profit and community-based organization in San Francisco that serves many Chinese immigrant families. We have an array of services, from youth programs to social services. You may go to our website at to find out more about our services. If you are new to our webinars, please feel free to watch our previous episodes on our website (counseling page) or on YouTube. Mental health is rarely talked about in the Chinese American community. We created a series of Cantonese webinar videos, “Mental Wellness at a Glance,” that promoted positive energy and mental wellness during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Episode 15 第十五集 | December 20, 2021

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Episode 14 第十四集 | November 15, 2021

逢每個月第三個星期一播出 | Posted on the 3rd Monday of each month at 9 AM PST

金美倫堂「心理健康多面睇」講座第十四集的話題是“食得有營,養得健康。” 在居家抗疫期間,很多人去做運動的機會有可能減小和飲吃習慣也改變。烹飪有可能是大家新的興趣或是家長跟孩子的親子活動。由年尾到明年初會有很多節日,會帶來很多美食和聚餐的機會。因為生活上有很多改變,我們怎樣維持健康均衡飲食飲呢?

The topic for Episode 14 is “Nutrition, Diet, and Healthy Eating.” During the pandemic and sheltering-in-place, many people may have fewer opportunities to do physical exercises, and our eating habits may have changed. Also, cooking may have become many people’s new interest, and cooking with your child(ren) may have also become another parent-child relationship-building activity. The holiday season is coming up as well, and there may be opportunities for us to enjoy more selections of delicious food. With different changes in our lives, how do we maintain a balanced and healthy diet?

Episode 14 第十四集 | November 15, 2021

Episode 13 第十三集 | October 18, 2021


The topic for Episode 13 is “Building Family Harmony.” Each family member contributes to building family harmony and helps to maintain it. It takes mutual respect, love, good communication, trust, and understanding to build harmonious relationships with our family members. Of course, there are times when family members have disagreements and conflicts, but how do we handle these situations so that it doesn’t break out in violence or become dealt with in unhealthy ways? This episode will look at some approaches to building family harmony.

Episode 13 第十三集 | October 18, 2021

Episode 12 第十二集 | September 20, 2021


The topic for Episode 12 is “My Therapist is a Pet.” Do you have pets? Pets are not only cute and a great companion, but they can also be our therapists. Pet therapy can help us heal and benefit us in three main areas: medical, mental, and educational. Although pet therapy may not be appropriate for everyone, it could be another approach for healing, especially during the pandemic.

Episode 11 第十一集 | August 16, 2021


This month’s episode is about “Healing With Music.” Music therapy is an approach that can be used to improve one’s mental health and well-being. Music is a useful tool you can simply use on your own to heal and relieve stress. Choose any type of music you enjoy listening to, singing to, or playing. It benefits people of all ages. Music makes life better!

Episode 10 第十集 | July 19, 2021

金美倫堂「心理健康多面睇」講座第十集的話題是“懂得珍惜和感恩。” 除了面對疫情,人生都有其他挑戰和對我們有壓力的事情。用正面來看,您有什麼是珍惜和感恩的?今集我們邀請三位特別嘉賓。金美倫堂的華語癌症互助組負責人介紹不同的服務給癌症病人和他的家人。我們也邀請到兩位癌症倖存者來分享他們去面對和克服癌症的經歷、疫情對他們的影響和有什麼他們覺得珍惜和感恩。

This episode’s topic is “To Cherish and Be Grateful.” There have been so many challenging and stressful things going on in this world, along with the pandemic. With positive thinking, what do you cherish? What are you grateful for? There are three special guests in this episode. The Coordinator of Cameron House’s Chinese Cancer Support Group introduces the different services for cancer patients and their family members. Also, two cancer survivors share their experiences facing and overcoming cancer, how the pandemic has impacted them, and what they cherish and are grateful for.

Episode 9 第九集 | June 21, 2021

三藩市,加州準備重開。大家準備好了嗎?我們面對疫情已經一年有多了,因為疫情的影響,我們的心態和行為多多少少都有改變。為了適應這個疫情,我們習慣當時的環境 。但現在要重開了,我們要重新適應。您有什麼反應?緊張? 害怕? 憂虑? 期待? 大家一起重新出發,踏出第一步。

Are you ready for reopening? Episode 9 discusses how the pandemic has impacted our mental health and behavior and how we are adjusting to reopening as restrictions to health and safety guidelines are lifted and as the pandemic subsides. Has it been challenging to get back to some sense of normalcy? Are you feeling nervous, fearful, anxious, relieved, or excited? We will explore some of these feelings and impacts and how we could take that first step to re-entry.

Episode 9 第九集 | June 21, 2021

Episode 8 第八集 | May 17, 2021


Episode 8 talks about helping parents and students to prepare for the reopening of in-person schooling. Although certain San Francisco public schools are reopened for attending classes in-person, many families still choose to attend classes online remotely. During this time, some parents and children/youth still have worries, but some are also excited about going back to school in person. Parents and students could consider some of the tips on how to prepare for this.

Episode 7 第七集 | April 19, 2021

金美倫堂「心理健康多面睇」講座第七集會討論“疫情對青少年的影響。” 除了成年人和長者在疫情中會面對困難和問題,青少年都會遇到很多壓力和挑戰。今集我們邀請到一位年輕人去分享她在疫情期間的經歷。

Episode 7 discusses the impact that the pandemic has on youth and adolescents. Besides adults and the elderly having hardships and issues during the pandemic, youth and adolescents are also facing a lot of stress and struggles. We have a special young guest who shares her experience during the pandemic.

Episode 6 第六集 | March 15, 2021

金美倫堂「心理健康多面睇」講座第六集的主題是“疫情期間,融入科技世界。” 我們會討論一下在疫情期間科技對我們生活上有什麼影響,尤其是有什麼好處和難處。有好多人都抗拒認識科技或怎樣學會用電腦或手提電話。如果有興趣,金美倫堂有網上電腦班給三藩市的居民,除了學初級電腦技巧,都會學一些日常英語。

Episode 6 looks at how technology has impacted our lives during the pandemic. Many have entered into the world of technology during the pandemic in order to survive and carry on our daily activities and work. There has also been a lot of hesitation in learning and using technology for those who are not familiar with it or feel it’s very difficult to use and learn. There is an opportunity at Cameron House for San Francisco residents to enroll in our virtual computer classes to learn different basic computer skills, Zoom functions, and basic English in a fun, interesting, and engaging way.

Episode 5, Part 2 第五集(下) | February 15, 2021


In Episode 5, Part 2, we will continue to look at what counseling is. Specifically, we will discuss under what circumstances we should seek counseling services. We will also conduct a brief role-play to demonstrate what a counseling session is like between a counselor and a client. The case vignette was created and used as an example for demonstration purposes.

Episode 5, Part 1 第五集(上) | January 18, 2021


In Episode 5, Part 1, we will begin to look at what counseling is. In our society, there has been a stigma surrounding mental health. Some people may be hesitant in seeking professional help due to how people with mental health issues may be perceived or be labeled as being “crazy.” This episode will also discuss the benefits of counseling and some of the myths and facts related to seeking counseling services.

Episode 4 第四集 | December 21, 2020


In Episode 4, we will look at different practical coping strategies we could include in our daily living to manage stress, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic and sheltering in place. Some people may already have their own different ways of relieving stress, but it is important to use approaches that are safe and healthy and not ones that are harmful to you or to others. In this episode, we have included a mindfulness breathing exercise you could try practicing and incorporate into your strategies of coping with stress. We hope that you will be able to find the most appropriate approach or approaches that will be most helpful for you.

Episode 3 第三集 | November 16, 2020


In Episode 3, let’s look at what stress is and how it may be impacting us, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic and sheltering in place. Stress could affect us physically and mentally. Let’s learn about the different emotions we may have and how we may think when we are in challenging situations. We will also discuss how we could think differently and positively to help us feel less stressed and maintain healthy mental wellness.

Episode 2 第二集 | October 19, 2020

金美倫堂「心理健康多面睇」講座第二集的話題是“人到中年” 的危機和轉機。中年人是大概由四十五歲至六十四歲。在中年的期間,我們會可能面對生理轉變、精神壓力、家庭責任增加或事業和生活情況有所改變。希望這個講座除了討論中年人的不同考驗之外,還會分享舒緩中年危機的要訣, 令中年人可以開心和健康地度過這個階段。

In this episode, we look at challenges, changes, and celebrations during mid-life stages (ages 45 to 64). Although during midlife, there may be different family responsibilities, physical and emotional changes, and career and lifestyle adjustments, it would be helpful to embrace our strengths and weaknesses and explore ways to be happy and healthy as we transition through this stage in life.

Episode 1 第 一 集 | September 21, 2020

Check out our new Mental Wellness Webinar! Being aware of our mental health is really important, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic and sheltering in place. We hope to reach out to the Cantonese-speaking community in promoting positive energy and sharing information and skills to promote good mental health and healthy well-being. Our “Mental Wellness At A Glance” webinar videos will be posted on the 3rd Monday of each month with different topics each time. We hope that people will be able to cope with change and uncertainty, maintain healthy relationships, and be able to manage positive and negative behaviors.
